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Season 32

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From: whitewind

To: MP5
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272254.107 in reply to 272254.106
Date: 8/27/2015 9:03:57 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yeah well done to Whompa, he threw the kitchen sink at me which i thought he might not given his top of the table placing in league 2. I was interested to see my free throw percentage in the first half, 1-11Fts? Were my boys shooting left handers for shits and giggles? Or were there compromising photos of Rimmers management in the grandstands as the boys were releasing their shot?

Funnily enough this is the most enjoyable season ive had, the tough cup run really tested my management skills, and i've certainly tried to take a few calculated risks with players resting here and there. Its fun having to scout with detail, set a lineup that suits and having no idea what result is ahead!

Nice to see a few teams finally getting a human opponent to have to make some team decisions about.

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272254.108 in reply to 272254.107
Date: 8/27/2015 9:46:14 AM
Aussie Pride
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Couple of ABBL matchups in the Cup with

High School Drop-outs v You Shouldve Dunked
ACT Blaze v Hard Ball Gets

easy game for me.

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272254.109 in reply to 272254.108
Date: 8/27/2015 6:06:52 PM
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Yeah bugger, would've liked another couple of 50k injections as I made the same mistake as one of the other lads by not putting up my arena prices enough...

HBG does have ladder position to think about so we'll see how he lines his men up, my SF should be back on ball by then ;)

@Koopa - Hedged and lost both but glad your enjoying that challenge Whitewind.

This Post:
272254.110 in reply to 272254.109
Date: 8/29/2015 8:48:39 AM
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Much appreciate if anyone who wasnt able to get on the system earlier tonight to bid on Terry Mc could advise me or comment on (273308.2)

Ive just lost over a mill because no one could log on to bid on him and the auction wasnt extended

Last edited by Sid Vicious at 8/29/2015 8:54:13 AM

This Post:
272254.111 in reply to 272254.110
Date: 8/29/2015 9:09:00 AM
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That really sucks what happened with the server busy and all. Lost at least a million for sure.

Not sure what the GM's would do in this situation. They usually extend the auctions for this kind of mishap.

If they put the player back on the transfer list, the person who bought him would be kicking and screaming.

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272254.112 in reply to 272254.110
Date: 8/29/2015 9:12:04 AM
Kinky Koalas
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Down Under Drop Bears
Oh... My... God...

I just wish I had have bid on him at the right time.

Do what you can to have it fixed. That's not fair.

This Post:
272254.113 in reply to 272254.111
Date: 8/29/2015 9:19:37 AM
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Thanks Koops I much appreciate if you could repeat those words in the thread (273308.1)

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272254.114 in reply to 272254.113
Date: 9/1/2015 4:40:06 AM
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Ive said my piece and expect some "repercussions"

All the best to you all

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272254.115 in reply to 272254.114
Date: 9/1/2015 5:00:26 AM
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This is why I stopped paying supporter. I haven't seen much reinvestment/improvement made into this game from the developers. Of course it's hard for the current BBs but the original developers have kind of stopped caring and moved on...

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272254.116 in reply to 272254.115
Date: 9/1/2015 5:12:53 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Sadly I think you might be 100% correct

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272254.117 in reply to 272254.114
Date: 9/1/2015 6:13:21 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Doubt you will get repercussions unless you crossed the line. Its understandable to be upset but maybe after the dust settles you will just be like mehh shit happens.

@ whitebeard yeah this game is starting to get long in the tooth lol. The only old farts left are maybe mllama, bryce gibbs and yara park bears.
