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Stop robbing managers

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From: WTDawg
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53381.107 in reply to 53381.106
Date: 10/30/2008 10:42:14 PM
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I'll just add my comment that the new staff system hurts my enjoyment of the game rather than helps it.

The old system was fine, and made much more sense from a standpoint of logic.

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53381.112 in reply to 53381.111
Date: 10/31/2008 9:16:14 AM
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The issue isn't as much reading carefully as your general tone. You respond to posters in a condescending manner quite often. Additionally, if you say you have no inside information once in a thread, but berate other users for their opinions 10 times, it lessens the impact of your disclaimer.

You, as well as everyone else around, are welcome to your opinion.

But only as long as it doesnt conflict with yours!

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53381.115 in reply to 53381.113
Date: 11/21/2008 6:45:25 PM
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I think that every person in this game, should be sent a Mailer, Asking them to Vote whether they like this New system,...or the Old System,...

The Customer is Always right,...

Seems like too many customers are complaining about this New System,..

And i would be one of those,...

I shouldn't have to bid on Staff,...that in of itself makes this Change a Joke,...

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53381.116 in reply to 53381.115
Date: 11/21/2008 8:20:13 PM
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You don't have to bid on staff. Period.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
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53381.117 in reply to 53381.115
Date: 11/22/2008 4:19:06 AM
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It is good change for you down there in IV league, because this system will suck from money top teams... I don't understand why do you need level 6 coach
