Cerci use his money power. Being the oldest team in Cyprus can give the money to buy the players, that u cant or dont know how to train, but this is not how to built a good team on this game.
About the training, yep a good all around player can be very useful, but u have to built a players that are great on a specific positions, and then try to train secondary skills. If u dont do that u will have all around players but mediocre. You cant win like that.
Last season i have proved that i was the best team dont i? I did'nt had the best players for sure but... wining take much more than just have a good players. U must learn how to use the tactics properly, how to manage the enthusiasm, gameshape ETC.
This season is Gold Towers are the best time right now, but we are the middle of the season. Lots of things can change by the end dont u think?