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Should I stop?

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From: atabakin

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127563.11 in reply to 127563.10
Date: 1/12/2010 7:52:57 PM
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Dude... the player was not drafted. He was one of the original players for that team, and if you check his previous games, he started in Season 9, when the player was 19. I'm not sure how one can train a player effectively if that player doesn't yet exist.

your misunderstanding what im saying.

im saying he could have been much better if trained properly from the time he was drafted by previous owners not just current ones.

im not saying his not a great player at all.

i didnt mean that you one balled my post , just that it was stupid as i spoke the truth.

and lastly i was not critizing anyone.

From: zyler

This Post:
127563.12 in reply to 127563.11
Date: 1/12/2010 8:03:25 PM
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oh missed that my bad.

This Post:
127563.13 in reply to 127563.1
Date: 1/13/2010 1:57:28 AM
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Whatever you do, don't forget to give him some breaks, even through assigning him as a sub here and there. "Inept" game shape really hurts his performance.

Moneywise, 40k salary for 100k DMI is a waste of your money. My 24k forward does have 240k DMI because his "proficient" GS, and I pay just 7-10k to 70-80k DMI players. Thus, you really have to control weekly minutes better.

This Post:
127563.14 in reply to 127563.1
Date: 1/13/2010 2:59:18 AM
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Try your best to go to higher division next season if you can't bear to leave him, your problem will be solved

Keep your players in good condition.

This Post:
127563.15 in reply to 127563.13
Date: 1/13/2010 9:03:31 AM
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Moneywise, 40k salary for 100k DMI is a waste of your money. My 24k forward does have 240k DMI because his "proficient" GS, and I pay just 7-10k to 70-80k DMI players. Thus, you really have to control weekly minutes better.

DMI is not a very good way to measure how good a player is. (94611.4)

I think the player seems very well trained, but the minute management has room for improvement. If the concern is salary, switching to outside training and/or using salary calculator ((100218.2) or ( to predict what skills you can improve and avoid a very high salary raise. I fully understand having a commitment to a player. I have one player I have been training since I started, and he is still below 40k salary. Remember that not all are "powergamers", some find just as much challenge and enjoyment along the journey as when/if reaching goals. That does not mean that having commitment to honing a certain players skills (also secondaries) does not reap rewards, even if he is not sold.

I regret having sold some of my players, especially a GREAT talent that I sold because he didn't fit my training regime at the time. If it had been today I would have trained him even if it was not his primary skills. I contacted their U21 coach at the time, notified in that nations transfer ad thread (back when they were allowed), but unfortunately he ended up not getting training in his new team. He could easily have been in the top 5 best paid PG/SG's by now, or an extremely well rounded player. He had only 3-4 skills slighty below respectable Better safe than sorry, if you ask me.

This Post:
127563.16 in reply to 127563.15
Date: 1/13/2010 3:54:12 PM
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DMI is not a very good way to measure how good a player is.

Of course DMI says nothing about how good a player is; still, DMI indicates fairly well how good a players' performance is at the moment. Overuse of good players degrades their game shape and makes them much less useful for the team (if retained), and somewhat less attractive for would-be buyers as well (if put for sale). Thus, if you want good return for investments in training and salary, keep their GS at "strong" at least, otherwise profits are gone. That's all I mean.

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From: Batman

To: zzip
This Post:
127563.18 in reply to 127563.16
Date: 1/13/2010 11:11:50 PM
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That's not really true. The game shape resets at the end of each season, but the extra experience gained from playing in 30-40% more games stays forever ;). If you sell a guy like that early in the season you are actually maximizing the profit by making him more attractive, and if kept he will preform better in the long run. The reason the OP should fix his GS to me has more to do with the fact that he should be trying to promote, or else be prepared to have to sell his guy early next season after his salary is likely to increase, potentiality by a lot.