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Staff salaries vs. team salaries

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From: LA-Niko

To: JayP
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1355.11 in reply to 1355.8
Date: 9/25/2007 9:12:23 PM
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If anything the economy has got better for new players.

When i was starting there was only the 50k per week for first 4? weeks and no TV games.

If you just started a team i would advise that you should be initially concentrating on expanding your arena while you have the 50k per week and not spending it on hiring new staff or buying new players.

1. Get your team performing and winning games to attract fans (especially TV games)
2. Build arenas to accommodate all the fans you can
3. If you think you can afford to support a new PR guy with your current income - buy him to attract even more fans

Creator of ( and ( -- Ex GM of Australia -- Division 1 winner of Italy Season 1 then moved team to Australia after the country was created by the BBs. Australian team manager for 2 seasons. Won various tournaments and division 1 titles in the following seasons.
This Post:
1355.12 in reply to 1355.11
Date: 9/27/2007 10:49:02 AM
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Are there any suggestions as to arena size? As I joined mid-season, I have been stuck with my 300 season-ticket holders, and the expansion costs are pretty steep without knowing how many season ticket holders I will have next season.

My last home game had nearly triple the attendance of the previous home game. Since I went from getting 1300-1600 fans a game to nearly a sell-out rather suddenly, expanding the arena was the last thing on my mind (particularly coming from Hattrick where you don't expand unless you sell out a couple times). Is the previous week's merch revenue any sort of litmus test for when to expand?

And wow, I just noticed that I'm getting massively off-topic. I apologize.

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
This Post:
1355.13 in reply to 1355.12
Date: 9/27/2007 1:14:28 PM
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ok basics of when to upgrade PR guy or Arena:

Upgrade PR guy when you have an arena that is not being filled.

Upgrade Arena when you are getting full or close to full attendance.

Remember upgrading Arena is an investment and hiring a PR guy is an ongoing cost.
The PR guy in the long run will cost you more.

I am not sure but I think lowering prices on seats attracts fans (same is true of reverse)

Beginners think about lowering the prices of your luxury boxes etc. and increasing the price of your bleechers the same percentage and see what effect this has on attendance.

Creator of ( and ( -- Ex GM of Australia -- Division 1 winner of Italy Season 1 then moved team to Australia after the country was created by the BBs. Australian team manager for 2 seasons. Won various tournaments and division 1 titles in the following seasons.
This Post:
1355.14 in reply to 1355.13
Date: 9/27/2007 2:37:59 PM
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Beginners don't start with luxury boxes, so are you suggesting they build one and then lower its price, or just lower the more expensive seats in general?

Have you tried lowering luxury boxes and raising the price on bleachers? It doesn't seem like it would have that big of an effect, since most people only have 1-5 luxury boxes and 3000-5000 bleachers. Seems like raising bleachers and lowering courtside might be a better option?

This Post:
1355.15 in reply to 1355.14
Date: 9/27/2007 4:16:27 PM
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I wouldn't bother with building boxes right now. Just build bleachers and a few of the lower tier and courtside seats.

This Post:
1355.16 in reply to 1355.15
Date: 9/27/2007 5:57:59 PM
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I've sold out my courtside seats 3 games running, and am getting close to filling the lower tier. How many should I build at a time? Just a few? Or tens/hundreds?

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
This Post:
1355.17 in reply to 1355.16
Date: 9/27/2007 6:08:09 PM
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Depends on your economic situation and if you expect to keep winning. Can't really say how many you should build but I have been building as many as I can afford at the time. Mine have being selling out but if they don't, they wll some day. That's just how I do it, do what works for you.