The Tournament’s PartyWe are in the quarter-finals! We had a few surprises in the last round where Portugal Telecom
(39037) lost against the Clube Desportivo das Aves
(94257) after the last had played with the full season enthusiasm in the game! Apart from that, no big surprises and the considered stronger teams have all survived and gone through the round.
The statistical analysis doesn’t make sense anymore as only a few teams are playing and our analists went for some long vacations till the next season. This being said, we will continue with the previsions with 100% of confidence from the Double-Tooth Walrus:
- At least one team of the I division will be in the next round;
- Only 4 teams will be present in the next round and from that ones only one will win the tournament;
- All the teams from the next round will be in the first 100 of the ranking;
- The 4 teams that win this round will be present in the next one!
We have to point out that our Walrus was 100% correct in the last previsions and no one won the price consisted of several different fishes.
Once more, our best reporter, Jumping Penguin, interviewed the worst team in the ranking still present in the Tournament which is actually the one that gave the only big surprise in the last round. Aves can actually thank to Portugal Telecom, without who they would not have been asked for an interview to the best newspaper of the community.
Jumping Penguin: As always we like to interview the worst classified team in the ranking. The Clube Desportivo das Aves have played well and they even beat one of the best teams in the first league. Now you got the “Broad Bean” (Portuguese expression that refers to the unluckiest one), what are the plans?
Avense: The plans are clear: to try to loose by a not so big difference. Abrantes Basket is probably the best team in Portugal. There were 2 division III teams present and we thought the luck could be on our side so we invested everything in order to possible achieve the semi-finals. After the draw we just have to be happy by the rare opportunity of playing against Abrantes Basket.
JP: Aves is also well positioned in the division and has good chances of going to the second division. You’re not afraid that the enthusiasm applied in the cup will give you some trouble to win the division?
A: It is always a big risk but I believe it was worthwhile to try and it is already a major achievement for the team. Apart from that, we add this effort while we still have some weeks to recover it. I have to admit that maybe the first place will be hard to take now but I am still pretty confident for the playoffs.
JP: We noticed that Celestino Figueira is incredibly similar to Sérgio França of Abrantes Basket. Is that you’re strategy to confuse your rival?
A: It would be a good sign if my players could actually make Abrantes players somehow confused. Unfortunately the differences in the field are extremely evident.
JP: The Penguin’s Tavern decided to make a deep investigation into the Clube Desportivo das Aves (Aves means Birds in Portuguese). According to our counts, the club has at the moment 10 falcons, 3 eagles, 20 vultures, 200 pigeons, 30 sparrows and one nightingale. What happen with the Parrot? Are you trying to hide him from the finance departments?
A: I believe you made a really bad research
The Aves (Birds) that give the name to the club (and to the Village Vila das Aves) are not actually birds but it comes from the rivers Rio Ave and Rio Vizela (which actually means in latin small bird)!
JP: One small word for the rival of the cup...
A: I do not wish good luck because apart from the more than obvious differences between players if they have the luck on their side I would come back with a terrible defeat!