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In the hole. help with finances

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172242.11 in reply to 172242.1
Date: 1/25/2011 5:01:40 PM
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And btw, to answer your original question, this is from the game manual:
If you are in debt, you will be charged 5%/week interest until you are back even. If you drop below -$500k, you must get out of debt within two weeks or you will be fired as general manager because the team goes bankrupt.

I believe transfer listing your players only happens at the -$500k level. However, if your balance is still negative by the time the next economy update takes place, expect to pay some more interest. I won't echo what everyone else has said. I think you know how to get yourself above water for now.

Last edited by ShootingStars at 1/25/2011 5:02:02 PM

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172242.13 in reply to 172242.12
Date: 1/30/2011 2:31:17 PM
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I am getting 30k per week since I fired my doctor. I will still be able to support my trainer. I will keep him till a good level 4 trainer or level 6 depending on deals comes up. I am training a player that I am hoping will make USA's NT team, so I will keep the trainer.