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Playoff suggestions

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198658.11 in reply to 198658.9
Date: 10/16/2011 12:20:39 PM
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OK, so you didn't realy follow my way of thought...

I'll try better explain it using an example (kind of).

In the relegation there are 4 teams.
Currently it will end after one round, that will have two series. Each team will play in a single serie.

In case the better two will be in one serie and the lesser on the other it is not that fair...

What I suggest, for example, is having a short "inner" league.
Meaning, each team will play a single game against the other three teams.
The total of games will always be three (which is the max number of games in the RL round today as it is), and the unfair situation described above could be avoided.

BTW, what about the first part regarding having a page containning all of the usefull threads?

Thanks in advance

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198658.13 in reply to 198658.12
Date: 10/16/2011 4:34:06 PM
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I think you missread my messages.

1) Calling "rubbish" to a game-improvement suggestion is kind of wrong.
First, you cannot say that money-wise the example about the 5th place is fair. No matter how rare it is (and I believe it is not that rare).
The other scenarios adding to the propabilities of unfairness.

I've also suggested a very simple solution that is totaly not difficult or causing much change to the engine.
Having a price or a fee, upon the place a team ended the regular season at (or the full season as a total).

2) I've also wrote regarding a second case of unfairness. In this case, regarding the RL winners and lossers.
Again, I've suggested a solution - a RL 3-games round where each team that will get to this round (5-th and 6-th places on the regular season) will play each other. The winners and lossers of the RL round will be upon this short round only.
This does not change anything regarding season lenght (number of max games for the RL teams) and solve very easily the RL fairness issue.

Thanks in advance for your time and advice.

Last edited by Pini פיני at 10/16/2011 4:42:39 PM

This Post:
198658.14 in reply to 198658.13
Date: 10/16/2011 6:51:16 PM
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It may not be completely fair but you fail to consider the one most important point in the 6th/7th relegation series:

If you lose, you get relegated and go down a division.

This is a risk that you have to take. if you finish in 3rd/4th and go playoffs, you may get less money but you won't be relegated if you lose. I think the extra revenue is fair given the risk you take.

In addition, the BBs have repeatedly said that the following season's revenue will partially be based on where you finished the previous season so in the long run, it is still more advantageous to finish as high as you can as you will have more fans for the following seasons

This Post:
198658.15 in reply to 198658.14
Date: 10/17/2011 5:26:27 AM
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1) Regarding the first part, I disagree.
It is not a chance that someone took and should get awarded due to.
It is a better team getting less money regardless of the risk.

This is why you're second part makes sense.
There is a financial compensation for finishing at an higher place.
The only problem with it is that it is needed to be accessible and the value needs to be known.

Again, a price or a fee upon the place a team finished the season at, is something not rare at "real-world" leagues and is the most straight forward way to do this.

2) You missed all of my second suggestion - three games' round of all 4 teams that got to the relegation round.
This is better than matchup between 6th VS 7th as the winners an lossers of this round will more likely be the better teams, unlike the current scenario where a team may suffer for an unfair event like stated in previous message at this thread.

This Post:
198658.16 in reply to 198658.13
Date: 10/17/2011 5:54:22 AM
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1) Calling "rubbish" to a game-improvement suggestion is kind of wrong.
First, you cannot say that money-wise the example about the 5th place is fair. No matter how rare it is (and I believe it is not that rare).
The other scenarios adding to the propabilities of unfairness.

but you still forgetting the chanche of relegation, which is a big loss. Also you forget that the fifth placed makes more money every homegame in the next season.

This Post:
198658.17 in reply to 198658.16
Date: 10/17/2011 6:26:16 AM
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Instead of copying my previous respond to "Monkeybiz", I ask you kindly to read it, as I've already responded to that.

BTW, I didn't get any answers to the second suggestion.

Thanks in advance for your time and thought.

[Again, as I wrote, I had the fortion this season to get the "lesser" team, due to the fact that in a point of time during the season they sold most of their valuable players. I'm happy on my fortune, but the game (also the "real" game) should try avoiding that].

This Post:
198658.18 in reply to 198658.17
Date: 10/17/2011 6:34:20 AM
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i don't see your part, how you respond that the weaker placed team, lose the extra gained money through the coming season and even more.

That is the BB way of making bonuses.

This Post:
198658.20 in reply to 198658.18
Date: 10/17/2011 7:00:10 AM
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1) I've already answered that - this is a good solution, that approve that the situation (w/o this compensation) is wrong.

In addition I've wrote that I think that it would be better giving them "straight" and not by unknown random money received in the following season (i guess you mean tickets related).

2) Due to the fact that I've got an answer that is (partialy) sounds reasonable for the first part, could you please answer the second part (regarding the RL round) that I've wrote?


This Post:
198658.21 in reply to 198658.20
Date: 10/17/2011 7:38:41 AM
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about two, i don't see that much need for change because in nearly all cases finishing 6 instead of seven is bette rof home court. A three game relegation series could change that, because if you play on neutral court 7th placed and team who reduce their roster during the season and buy a good one at the end get an advantage(the opposite scenario then yours, which should be even more popular), and 6th and 7th have the same risk of relegation. The other hc scenario i could think off is the team with better standing, which isn't always fair to because of the inbalnaced divisions. With the better record i can think of, but i don't think it will it much fairer or unfairer then before.

And i am not sure if you know it, we GM help the game in the administrativ way like moderating the forums or hunting cheaters but when we don't post stuff like "get back to topic", "cool down" etc. our opion is the of a normal player. So our opions we post on your suggestion isn't more or less important or more needed then the input from other playrs without the GM sign.
And before you ask, the BB post rarely in the suggestion forum, because if they post they normally change the way a topic get discussed but they read it.
