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BB Luxembourg > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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200114.11 in reply to 200114.10
Date: 11/3/2011 4:42:26 AM
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PF/C Training

Ideal height: 201cm and more (6'7")

It is recommended to start with Inside Shot or Inside Defence according to his weakness and to continue until 2-3 level difference between these skills. Then you should train these skills until they get balanced. After that Rebounds should even Inside Defence. Repeat this procedure a few times.
If a rebounding skill is significantly lower than ID and IS (for example 6/6/3), there is a recommendation to train this skill until the level of ID. Then start with training written above.
It is not recommended to train Inside Shot with Inside Shot training over Prominent or Prolific. This skill will be trained with One-on-One training for PF/SF later.

Required skills at the end of 20 for C:

Jump Shot: Average (6)
Jump Range: Inept (4)
Outside Defence: Inept (4)
Handling: Mediocre (5)
Driving: Respectable (7)
Passing: Average (6)
Inside Shot: Sensational (12)
Inside Defence: Tremendous (13)
Rebounding: Wondrous (14)
Shot Blocking: Strong (8)

Required skills at the end of 20 for PF:

Jump Shot: Respectable (7)
Jump Range: Mediocre (5)
Outside Defence: Average (6)
Handling: Average (6)
Driving: Prominent (10)
Passing: Average (6)
Inside Shot: Tremendous (13)
Inside Defence: Sensational (12)
Rebounding: Tremendous (13)
Shot Blocking: Respectable (7)

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200114.12 in reply to 200114.11
Date: 11/4/2011 9:32:53 AM
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Any questions mates? You have last 2 days to decide..

Hot prospect on Transfer List:

Aurel Waterneversdorf (23180340) Starting Price: $ 234 000
Auction ends: 05/11/2011 13:54:32
Owner: Luxo Killers

Who wanna train PG/SGs, go for him. He is probably one of the bests perimeter players in this year weak draft. He has surely potential to be member of U21 Lux team..

From: AW9
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200114.13 in reply to 200114.12
Date: 11/4/2011 2:32:50 PM
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I think that he will have to have a connection between the selector of A who is French Yannoch manager and the future selector to install also a good A team of the Luxembourg that does very well Yannoch. Because the purpose of U21 is first of all to prepare the young players U21 to the first team.It is for that it will especially be necessary to concentrate on the training of the young people and the communication with the Luxemburg managers to install a common project on the duration.

Last edited by AW9 at 11/4/2011 2:34:22 PM

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