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Hiring a Trainer

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218640.11 in reply to 218640.9
Date: 5/25/2012 7:31:01 AM
Headless Thompson Gunners
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Second Team:
Canada Purple Haze BC
That's pretty standard for those willing to keep bidding
can get them even cheaper
it's when you start looking for superior and up that things can get pricier.

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218640.12 in reply to 218640.10
Date: 5/27/2012 1:36:37 AM
Mountain Eagles
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Ric Flair Drippers
I got a 14k advanced trainer for 21k. I call that cheap.........but that was late season, and I'm still fairly new, this is about to be my 4th month on this site............

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: Kukoc
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218640.15 in reply to 218640.14
Date: 5/27/2012 1:34:27 PM
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My last trainer change was 28k for 27890 salary lvl5 trainer. Transfer occured S19 week6.
Edit: and he has stamina speciality!

Last edited by Kukoc at 5/27/2012 1:35:04 PM

From: Coach_D

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218640.16 in reply to 218640.15
Date: 5/27/2012 2:00:11 PM
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LVL 6 trainer for 5k with 47k salary
No specialty

From: chancey
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218640.20 in reply to 218640.11
Date: 5/30/2012 2:52:51 PM
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Wait till the last min then place a bid about 5000- 10000 depending on how bad you want him.

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218640.21 in reply to 218640.20
Date: 5/30/2012 3:18:39 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I think the bigger issue is why a Div V team is looking for anything but a level 4 trainer. Level 3 and below train too slowly (or so I've read numerous times) and higher level trainers aren't worth the extra cost for either purchase or salary for a Div V team. Spend 10-50K, get a Level 4 trainer who has a salary of between 11k and 13k and keep him for 2 seasons. Your 18 year and 19 year olds can get 18-22 pops over that time with single position training.

I wish there were pigmen. You get a few of these pigmen walking around I'm looking a whole lot better. Then if somebody wants to fix me up at least they could say, Hey he's no pig-man!