Power Rankings are here! After only 2 games, this will likely change a lot. But here we go!
Big 8 Average Rank: 6.125
Great 8 Average Rank: 10.875
1. Toronto Traptors, 25.803
2. Ron Swanson, 17.787
3. Demon Hoosiers, 15.078
4. Chicken Hawks, 12.353
5. Kentucky Wyldcats, 12.087
6. Extra Crispy, 6.753
7. Lake Charles Creoles, 4.303
8. Lengends, 4.103
9. Cathar Heretics, 3.887
10. The Door mats, 3.087
11. Bushrods, -1.472
12. East Gary Eagles, -2.972
13. Natellio, -5.638
14. Real Big Tymerz, -6.830
15. Eclypze, -31.830
16. End Of Story, -56.530