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Attendance logic

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From: copatar

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228052.11 in reply to 228052.10
Date: 10/24/2012 2:58:03 PM
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Not your,but opponent position is important...if u play against 1st and 2st clubs..u will get more attendance.

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228052.13 in reply to 228052.12
Date: 10/24/2012 3:38:28 PM
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Loss is a loss. It sucks.

I lost a game on purpose end of last year (after already clinching 1st) to rest starters for GS and so they didn't get injured before playoffs, and took the hit the next game.

It's either 5 balls and good attendance after a win or 1 ball and poor attendance after a loss. The fans like black and white and not grey.

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
From: copatar

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228052.14 in reply to 228052.12
Date: 10/24/2012 3:49:09 PM
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You played TV game on tuesday...TV games always bring many attendance.Opponent clubs position is an important factor,but not the only one.It's combination of many factors

Last edited by copatar at 10/24/2012 3:58:31 PM

From: copatar

This Post:
228052.16 in reply to 228052.15
Date: 10/24/2012 6:24:27 PM
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Rivalry,tv,cup games.....we have also effect of last season(espicialy in the begginig of the season), sold players effect....
Everything is fine........than you lost one away game.
anyway the factor is terrific for a lost

yes exactly
So all this factors are just small amounts when u lost the away game,but its helps.
The worst thing is if u lost rivalry game on tv match...this effect will follow you until next rivalry/tv match.

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228052.18 in reply to 228052.16
Date: 10/26/2012 1:55:11 PM
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Also he needs a better pr manager. Im making 200K less than him in the division im in right now.

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228052.19 in reply to 228052.18
Date: 10/26/2012 2:58:20 PM
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About pr manager:
Larger hall it is than it's more useful to have a good manager
I had a good manager(lvl 7, spent 50k) but I realise that is no worth.
Capacity of my hall is more than 16k but I have a manager of lvl 3 and I spend just 10k for him on a week.

Last edited by copatar at 10/26/2012 2:59:09 PM

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228052.21 in reply to 228052.20
Date: 10/26/2012 7:44:55 PM
Infested Warriors
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everything in this game are broken
