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Lower passing, more attemps

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228518.15 in reply to 228518.11
Date: 10/22/2012 1:27:03 PM
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It may be confirmation bias on my part, but i tend to agree with you hunch about shoot-versus-pass innate tendencies.

Alternatively, my hypothesis is that passing is conditionally modeled for big men - i.e. basket success is first evaluated on relative skills. if likely a missed shot, then with some randomness, a pass is executed instead based on passing ability. In this model, passing would allow a second attempt in the same sequence, hence adding value. However, if your player has tremendous scoring advantage over the opponent's defense, then passing is moot. This particular model may also be applicable only for certain offensive strategies, such as look-inside.

Of course, this is just a random guess, so definitely don't quote me and feel free to disregard a totally insane idea. I have absolutely no proof - it is just how I would like to model it if I were to design a game engine myself.

Last edited by at 10/22/2012 1:49:09 PM

From: surfrer
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228518.17 in reply to 228518.15
Date: 10/22/2012 5:28:07 PM
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Second Team:
I left the game two years ago, playing in II division tired of:

- The insane advantage of outside shooters... Which now seems to be replaced by insane advantage of inside players.
- The hidden players stats/tendency: That's simply is not fair, you spend all your money in a MVP-legendary player and after several seasons of careful training they DO NOT make the difference. This keeps the same.

When I left the game low passing meant low offensive flow, which usually lead to a low score and lost game. Reading this thread it seems to have changed, does it?


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228518.19 in reply to 228518.16
Date: 10/22/2012 11:56:43 PM
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Are you talking about the NT ad? I just couldn't fit anymore words in since I reached the character limit otherwise there would be so much more detail. Passing is actually one of my most favourite skills in BB ever since I started this game. Except for one Australian PF/C, all have 5+ passing. :p

As for about passing. Sure if you like to have a player who jack up shots then leave him at low passing otherwise teams with better passing tend to find better shots especially with inside offence.

Last edited by Whitebeard at 10/23/2012 12:04:40 AM
