Yeah I think I will do the inside training part with letting him tag along. Then I shall swap over to OD/1on1's.
This will give me a chance to get my PG to Marvelous OD as I stopped his training last season at wondrous (as buzzer-manager said he hit his cap, so thought I may as well stop there). (he is 11/10/14/13/13/14)
Thank you for your input, wasn't thinking of doing anymore on either of their passing, but I guess it is a good idea. I have nothing much to focus on apart from these two with the odd other trainee to tag along. Other people who could tag along is the before mentioned PG (but as I said he is softcapped) and two backup 21 year olds (backup SG=10/11/11/10/6/8 Backup PG=8/7/11/9/10/9)
And for any inside training my tag along would be one of these guys-> PF=9/14/12/13 (JS/IS/ID/RBD) C=15/12/12 (IS/ID/RBD backup PF=8/12/10/13 (JS/IS/ID/RBD). Most likely the PF as he gets just more shots than the C with just less minutes, and make mores shots as well. So seems like a good idea to give him the extra IS training. But he is 26 and the C is 24, so maybe it isn't a good idea to do him. And according to buzzer-manager, the PF is 90-100% complete, and the C is 92-100% complete. My backup is one 70-75% though. So touch choice. Probably just for for the PF.
I probably should use the forums a bit more to find out what stats are actually good for what positions to fully understand. I have a decent idea but as with the SG and passing thing I wasn't really aware it needed to/could be useful to have it any higher than it was.
Thanks again for the input!