Let's see how team Iamthedude is getting on so far:
10inchvertical has successfully reached the fifth round and has a very easy game so 15 should be guaranteed from them. Currently, though, I've got 10
Kentucky went down in the 4th round; that'll hold me to 6 points from them
The Visionaries also took an early exit... You're letting me down, D-2! another 6.
Cassville has won 4 games, but they've got a tough one in the 5th round. We'll have to see. 10 points.
The Njords Hakarl also are still alive, meaning 10 points. their 5th game is a bit easier, but I won't assume. 10.
Once again I'm glad I picked Kobey; His BallhoggersFTW have advanced to the fifth and should easily reach round 6. 10 points.
52 points scored to this point... I think that's a little better than I was doing last season, but I'm out of D-II's, so this could go any of a number of ways.