1. You really are saying, that, which is possible, a team which pays for utopia shortly before the playoffs and is maybe one of the 2 lucky guys to get to a new league with a playoff team, can promote but a team which has played the whole season can´t?
2. the problem which i have is, that there haven´t been any rules mentioned regarding the promotion in utopia. and now, hidden in a thread, not as a official post, some things are said- but at the end they tell us "well, don´t count on that, it could also be the other way round".
So, there have been made soo many mistakes with utopia, that i can´t see how you will solve them now.
3. utopia is different, at least for the next 3 seasons from every other bb country, how can i expect the same rules there?
4. has there ever been a statement how the currently 73 league IV´s will be reduced to 64 next season?can´t remember it- another point in utopia without any rules- we´ll probably see at the seasons end, how the problem will be solved.
5. i know that the problem now is in the world and has to be solved. if you really stay with the more than 64 league IV concept, my recommendation for promotion would be the following:
The playoff finalists promote.
you implement a playoff series for place 3- the winner promotes.
the rest has to be filled up.
only teams which have been in a league that has been started before the all star break can promote.
And of course, that is against my argument, that the rules shouldn´t be changed while the game is played, but there have simply been no rules so far, and still aren´t as marin said, they can be revised at every time. and some rules have to be implemented, and in my mind, as soon as possible.