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Help with TRAINING (thread closed)

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274191.11 in reply to 274191.10
Date: 11/4/2015 2:49:48 PM
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As Manon said, you won't get pop every week. The best thing to do is getting the Training Simulator or Coach Parrot, especially if your guys have relatively low potential (at some point they will be unable to improve any further), and check what is likely to happen.

For training selections which allow for it, always train single position if you can, so pressure for PG rather than guards or inside shot for C rather than PF/C (the training is much faster).

Last edited by Lemonshine at 11/4/2015 2:50:39 PM

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274191.12 in reply to 274191.11
Date: 11/4/2015 5:38:48 PM
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Thanks....question. what is the training sim or coach parrot? Sorry...i haven't been doing alot of training until this past season?

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274191.13 in reply to 274191.11
Date: 11/4/2015 6:19:05 PM
Monkeykid Maniacs
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Am I correct in my conclusion that one on one training doesn't have single position or an I missing something? I also want to train PF but the only options I see are C/PF or forwards. Which would be better to use?

From: Grabby

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274191.14 in reply to 274191.13
Date: 11/4/2015 6:22:17 PM
Blue Vikings
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Second Team:
Big Horn Sheep
Forwards. Trains at 100% speed.

C/PF trains at 90%

From: Crazy Li

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274191.15 in reply to 274191.14
Date: 11/5/2015 12:57:09 AM
Monkeykid Maniacs
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Wow... so then a Center would have no way to get 100% training from one-on-one then?

From: boule

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274191.17 in reply to 274191.15
Date: 11/5/2015 4:04:40 AM
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Second Team:
Les Boulettes Utopiennes
You can even train 1vs1 for PG/SG positions. It changes slightly the trained skillsets (Dr, Ha, JS vs Dr,Ha,JS and IS). this is the kind of knowledge you'll have to learn first.

As @lemonshine stated the use of coachParrot and/or train sim is a must for the beginners.

Last edited by boule at 11/5/2015 4:07:36 AM

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274191.18 in reply to 274191.13
Date: 11/5/2015 5:38:02 AM
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You are correct. There are 3 types of training in the game:
- 1 position training. Training where the maximum training is achieved by playing 48:00 minutes at a given position. They include: Pressure (PG; main skill trained OD), Passing (PG, skill trained PA), Ball Handling (PG, HA), Outside Shooting (SG, trains JR), Shot Blocking (C, SB), Inside Shooting (C, IS), Inside Defense (C, ID).
- 2 position training. For these the best possible training is 48:00 minutes at either of 2 positions (or a combination of them). They include: One on One (PG+SG or SF+PF), Jump Shot (PG+SG or SG+SF or SF+PF) and Rebounding (PF+C). Not that you cannot train Jump Shots for trainees who played PG and SF in the same week.
- team training: FT, Stamina, Game Shape. Nothing to see here. Most people train these sometimes in the weeks with only 2 games (all star game if you're out of the cup and playoff weeks)

Note that instead of the best possible training (detailed above) you have a number of subpar options which will not give you the fastest increase in skill, such as:
- training 1 position training regimes for 2 positions (like Pressure at PG+SG) or
- training 1 position training for a different position than the standard one (for example Pressure for SG, Inside Shot for SF, Jump Shot for PF+C, Rebounding for PG+SG)

In order to understand what happens and what speed of training we are talking about I suggest you check Rhyminsimon training simulator or Josef Ka Coach Parrot (they are file excel that you can download from the web and are fairly accurate in telling you how fast skills train)

Last edited by Lemonshine at 11/5/2015 5:38:19 AM

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274191.19 in reply to 274191.6
Date: 11/5/2015 9:35:57 PM
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No sir...i am ONLY training 2 pf' is 20 the other is 19

From: Knecht
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274191.21 in reply to 274191.20
Date: 11/6/2015 3:20:55 AM
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Training six guys (age 18-21) in 1-on-1 for forwards gave me around 7-8 pops on average every week.

If you like to see some quick progress, this is the most exciting training to do.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular