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27647.11 in reply to 27647.10
Date: 1/14/2009 3:52:44 PM
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Mingit födede otsingut pole olemas? Ise pean mingeid otsingusõnu hakkama aretama, kui just keegi ei teavita oma födest ju. Vähe lahja. Teen kohe uue föde siis, et siin foorumisse vähem kirjutada.

"The quickest way to end a war is to lose it."
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27647.12 in reply to 27647.11
Date: 1/14/2009 3:59:16 PM
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Ammm, ei saa vist ise kedagi födesse kutsuda, aga kõik, kes tahavad kunagi PL-s osaleda, mis koosneb ainult eestlastest, siis on föde nimeks Eestlaste PL. Seal ei pea foorumis spämmima, kui PL vaja kokku lappida. Ei tea kuidas liituda saate, aga eks otsingu kaudu kuidagi.

"The quickest way to end a war is to lose it."
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27647.13 in reply to 27647.12
Date: 2/5/2009 5:57:59 AM
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Hi there, I saw this thread and wanna suggest you to join Baltic federation, where you can discuss about Buzzer Beater national teams, LKL, BBL, ULEB and everything what you see in comon between baltic countries. Just choose regional federation type and enter Baltic. Thanx for your attention :)