Hi there, probably more of a post for the 'Help' section, but I'll try to answer you even though I have no time to check what actually happened in your game (also because you didn't provide a link)
To get 48 minutes use Strictly with let them play and set the trainee at all 3 positions. The trick is not to have a player on the bench who might replace your trainee in garbage time, so to make sure of 48 you need to have a maximum of 9 players, 4 starters + 4 backups and the trainee. The game will empty the bench in garbage time (the opposite of the bug I reported where the starter kept playing) so if you have 5-7 backups, you are guaranteed that the trainee will be substituted.
There are additional issues. One is when a trainee with very low stamina is subbed out for 1 minute or 2 in favour of a much better player with good stamina. This is most likely a bug, you can get around it by either playing only 5 players (so there are no substitutes) or training stamina until the trainees are at awful or better and see if it makes a difference. Finally there is the FT substitution issue: sometimes if one of your players (not the trainee) needs to be subbed out, but he's shooting free throws, the engine will sub out the trainee for the replacement of the FT shooter and then sub out the FT shooter himself at the next possible chance. This is a rarer bug that can only be avoided by playing a 5 man lineup.
In general unless your trainees have 1 or 2 stamina, you will see that playing a 9 man lineup with the trainee at all 3 positions and using Strictly will give you 48+ reliably. The options I use (Coach Pick from Depth Chart) also works fairly reliably for this, but I'd stick to Strictly as the official line from the BBs is that Strictly is the only sub pattern to get reliable minutes.
Hope this helped.
Last edited by Lemonshine at 10/5/2016 4:09:17 AM