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Suggestions > Free Agency Change To Help Player Market

Free Agency Change To Help Player Market

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From: Ob1

This Post:
297307.11 in reply to 297307.3
Date: 11/29/2018 7:54:52 PM
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Day traders actually help the market. They shouldn't be penalized for the frequency of the transfers they make. The market needs more bidders on players to drive prices up. Since we have an over hoarding limit tax of 25m and over weekly salary cap tax. The paramaters are set.

More active users, drive prices up because there is more competition in bids. Since our population is dwindling it only makes sense that there are less people bidding. There is no one formula to change the market. High tier players like 130+ TSP will always command a good price for teams willing to pay. This is just a general suggestion. Good managers always find ways to make money even during hard times.

Last edited by Ob1 at 11/29/2018 8:15:01 PM