Just try to train 2 homegrown players for 1 year (4 seasons) with youth trainer lvl 4 and basic trainer lvl 4 and u will get my point
This is what i am doing. Basicly it is only worth to train your own draftees. Other draftess, especially if you play in higher leagues and you need to sacrifice games for training is nonprofitable.
Look at 18yo prices and 20 yo. After 2 seasons of training, their value at the best keeps the same. Value only starts to rise when you start to train secondaries. So 6 seasons of sacrifice for like 3-9m proffit depending on the luck while training 3 players is not worth it. You you compete atleast with minimum salaries you can get same ammount of proffit racking up 150+k/week proffit by winning games
Why training is so unprofitable? Because of farm teams. They do not care for profit. They care for NT. That is why we need fight against farming. But we cannot simply catch/punish teams for doing that. No point, you will not get every one.
They should just make cheaper top lvl trainers/doctors/nutriotionists, so everybody could afford them, even IV div teams. Then everybody would be somewhat equal. And everybody would be profitable.