Excuse me but honestly you couldn't be more wrong about this topic...
You are not being coherent:
It's against the nature of the game and should be treated just as any other ''illegal'' transaction
This is the internet, not a justice court.
are two completely different things.
For sure you can say whatever you want
Feel free to write! But don't ever tell me anything about being against Andorra, because I'm more than probably the manager that has invested more time on trainees, and helping other managers. If I wanted to, I could also put my players on 144 weekly minutes (as I did on their first 2 seasons to get xp boost than now is paying off btw) and let them get more experience to help the Andorra's NT in the future. It's up to me.
It's up to me to put them on sale for a price I know anyone can bid, because I may be interested in recieving offers for them 3 (as I did) before selling them.
This is not a "mess" and my behaviour is totally understandable:
1) Something odd happened on the elections. BBs and GMs does know about it and do not want to deal with it.
2) The current u21nt coach has structured the season solely to help his country.
and 3) Everyone is free to play as they please. Do you think I didn't face managers who didn't train or respond to my messages? This is not something new to nt coaches.
And for your player... Feel free to train him or sell him if you think this is a mess and bla bla bla, but please, next time you want to say anything to someone who spend YEARS working on it, think beforehand.
For me, it'll be a pleasure if you decide to keep training him, as you said, small countries need every possible player
P.S: If you also think something strange happened here and someone should do something; go to Global Forums and spread the word. For sure that would be more helpful than here