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BB Andorra > temporada 64 U21

temporada 64 U21 (thread closed)

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323357.11 in reply to 323357.10
Date: 3/26/2024 11:07:56 AM
Súria Lakers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Et suggereixo que deixis d'insinuar que jo o un mànager andorrà estem fent trampes, ja que s'ha demostrat 100% que no és així i n'està totalment prohibit parlat de trampes als Fòrums.
Un missatge més amb aquets to i et reportaré. Més que possiblement t'apliquin un ban de 15 dies i una multa, si no et salva el teu amic abans...

Fes el que creguis. Ets patètic i ho estàs demostrant.

Si, aquestes eleccions han estat manipulades i ja s'ha demostrat (li pots demanar al teu amic Alonso que segueixi filtrant informació del Fòrum de GMs i BBs i veuràs com tinc raó), tot i que també tinc força seguretat en que no ets tu la persona que hi ha darrera d'aquests 4 equips nous; simplement ha sigut un altre grupet de mànagers (que casualment no s'han passat pel Fòrum aquestes eleccions), que simplement han votat algú que no fos jo. Per tant has estat el mal necessari i et tocarà menjar molta merda.

Sort al següent partit. A veure si ets capaç de jugar en relaxat d'una vegada, tot i que sabent com actues, el més normal
és que juguis mot per intentar arribar a Israel sense entusiasme i donar-los-hi un sac d'average.

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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323357.12 in reply to 323357.10
Date: 4/1/2024 1:54:22 PM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Hola company!

Què en penses d'això? (73833)

Quina diries que és la causa darrera d'aquesta derrota per 19 punts a major esforç contra una selecció que està 22 posicions per sota al rànking mundial? Els minuts setmanals segueixen sent un boicot envers la teva persona?

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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323357.13 in reply to 323357.12
Date: 4/1/2024 3:29:52 PM
thedream team
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Hapoel Jordan valley
In the previous messages, I said that I will not answer your messages, which only try to hurt and blame me. Whether there is a reason or not this is the current situation.
To response to your massage , we did lose to a team that was not better than us. Do you want us to talk about game shape of the players? Do you really think that with Costa and ramelat, two players of your loyal friend,
In reasonable game shape, and the rest of the players including yours are in as better shape like as the opponent was, would we lose this game?
I definitely don't think so. There is no chance and nothing to do with what you claim.
Even you, such a successful and successfully coach would not have won today hahaha..
So keep crying and blame me week after week, in the end that's the your problem…

Last edited by alon3133 at 4/1/2024 3:32:36 PM

This Post:
323357.14 in reply to 323357.13
Date: 4/1/2024 5:16:15 PM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
El problema, és que acabaràs la temporada sense admetre que et vas equivocar totalment la 1ª setmana jugant MOT, cosa que et va sentenciar per les següents 3-4 setmanes.
Creus fermament que aquella victòria val totes les derrotes que vindràn i no és així.

El 2n problema és que vas creure que al 2n partit podries guanyar si jugaves amb més esforç per tal de seguir pel bon camí i arreglar el teu primer error, i no la vas encertar... A seleccions no es pot guanyar després de mot.

El 3r problema ha vingut aquesta setmana, que has tornat a fer el mateix, jugar a més esforç per intentar trobar la mateixa solució, i no, no podràs guanyar. A més, no estic segur si has jugat Normal o has tornat a posar MOT veient que seria l'únic rival que podries guanyar.

Sigui com sigui, la setmana que ve tornaràs a cometre el mateix error si el tornes a jugar amb qualsevol cosa que no sigui relaxat.
Perdràs igualment, però com a mínim juga relaxat tots els partits que queden fins l'últim i despedeix la temporada amb un mot en condicions.

Però no, tu prefereixes culpar als altres, que si les Formes no son bones o que si els jugadors surten a la venta per les seleccions rivals... Comença a veure els teus propis errors d'una vegada i deixa de culpar als altres.

Creu-me que jo he estat moltes temporades a la sub21 d'Andorra amb plantilles molt inferiors a la que tens tu ara i jo també tenia jugadors que els seus mànagers no cuidaven la Forma, però noi, vaig treure més victòries de les que faràs tu.
Aquest és el major problema d'entrenar una micronació, que hi ha molts menys mànagers i per estadística costa més trobar-ne tants d'implicats com hi ha al teu país o al meu! Has de jugar amb allò que tens disponible i tu tens disponible una de les 2 millors plantilles que hem tingut les últimes 12 temporades.

Comença a fer bé les coses i admetre els teus errors, veuràs com les coses milloren si deixes de culpar els altres.

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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323357.15 in reply to 323357.14
Date: 4/2/2024 4:16:05 AM
thedream team
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Hapoel Jordan valley
‏ listen man,
‏I know there is no point in responding to your messages because all you do is blame and complain. Your Not elected to u21 team this season and that's fine. You can move on.

‏This is the last message in which I respond to your pointless messages.

‏Even if you think and claim that I made a mistake in tactics at the beginning of the season, and maybe that's also true,

‏I know that I could have done something
‏ differently and learned from this..
‏And yet, if you put your complaints aside, and tell me most honestly, that the players' playing game shape is not a significant part of the 2 losses.?
‏Your players of your loyal friend, who may have hurt us in the most important places in the lineup. Along with the other players who are not in good enough shape.
‏It is true that it is not always possible to make sure that everyone is in good shape, but that this is done intentionally and hurts us..
‏So I'll ask one last time and that's it.

‏Don't you think we would have won if the players were in shape (and you know exactly which players these are and their abilities, as the previous coach..).
‏If you say no you are just lying to yourself and everyone else.

‏Good luck to you in the game.

This Post:
323357.16 in reply to 323357.15
Date: 4/2/2024 5:06:23 AM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Si, ja t'hem sentit dir que has sigut tu el que va guanyar les eleccions i jo no, cap problema, de debò.

Deixa de culpar els altres i juga amb el que tens. Fins que tu no facis les coses bé, no et posis a recriminar les accions d'altres persones. Estàs sent una mica pesadet amb el tema i t'acabaràs enduent una denúncia per falses acusacions...

Juga tots els partits que queden en relaxat (amb doble predicció per si sona la flauta) i l'últim amb mot, a veure si et pots despedir amb una victòria.

Ah, i els 3 vots que tens positius no te'ls prenguis molt seriosament; son d'equips d'aquests que es van crear per VPN i per tant no estan valorant la teva feina real.

Si necessites més consells sobre com portar la selecció, me'ls demanes per BB-Mail. Jo seguiré escrivint aquí cada vegada que facis tonteries.

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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323357.17 in reply to 323357.15
Date: 4/2/2024 2:02:32 PM
Floriondos Team
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Noi, és evident que hi ha hagut tongo.

Sóc andorrà, i encara que no hi jugui en aquesta lliga, ja et puc dir que, coneixent als meus compatriotes, no acostumem a refiar-nos de persones desconegudes.

És tan fàcil com que es presentin en aquest fil els propietaris dels equips i especifiquin a qui han votat. Total, són nou (9) persones només. No crec que els importi especificar a qui han volgut com a seleccionador nacional.

Em jugo la ma dreta a que els quatre equips més recents que s'han donat d'alta "casualment i misteriosa", no han votat al Gerard (com a tantes eleccions anteriors).

Sí, s'ha jugat molt brut (com és habitual en certes contrades) i a mí no em vens la moto. Tot per beneficiar a un tercer.

Em fot molt de fàstic. És una p...ta vergonya.

This Post:
323357.19 in reply to 323357.18
Date: 4/11/2024 7:10:46 AM
Súria Lakers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Hi kkretziki,

No disrespect, but who are you? I mean, you are wrong on so many levels.

I didn't say alon cheat on the elections; I said that the elections were rigged, but I can not be sure by who. But believe me when I say they were rigged 100% because those 4 teams were created by VPN and managed from the same device.

From here, alon just had the "luck" of being on the same pool as Israel and he definetly take advantatge by playing CT against Lietuva (a contender of 2n phase now eliminated) and losing all next game due a lack of coaching ability and enthusiasm managment. He's just a poor NT Coach and he think he's god by winning 1 team; that's all.

If a manager wants to play their players 144 weekly minutes it's up to him.
If I want to put my players on transfer list, it's up to me (by the way, my players are probably the 3 best one on the roster, not 4th, 5th and 6th). I keep training them the best way possible.

And finally, BBs do not have any interest in managing this topic. I don't know why...

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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323357.21 in reply to 323357.20
Date: 4/11/2024 9:07:34 AM
Súria Lakers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Excuse me but honestly you couldn't be more wrong about this topic...

You are not being coherent:

It's against the nature of the game and should be treated just as any other ''illegal'' transaction


This is the internet, not a justice court.

are two completely different things.

For sure you can say whatever you want Feel free to write! But don't ever tell me anything about being against Andorra, because I'm more than probably the manager that has invested more time on trainees, and helping other managers. If I wanted to, I could also put my players on 144 weekly minutes (as I did on their first 2 seasons to get xp boost than now is paying off btw) and let them get more experience to help the Andorra's NT in the future. It's up to me.
It's up to me to put them on sale for a price I know anyone can bid, because I may be interested in recieving offers for them 3 (as I did) before selling them.

This is not a "mess" and my behaviour is totally understandable:

1) Something odd happened on the elections. BBs and GMs does know about it and do not want to deal with it.

2) The current u21nt coach has structured the season solely to help his country.

and 3) Everyone is free to play as they please. Do you think I didn't face managers who didn't train or respond to my messages? This is not something new to nt coaches.

And for your player... Feel free to train him or sell him if you think this is a mess and bla bla bla, but please, next time you want to say anything to someone who spend YEARS working on it, think beforehand.
For me, it'll be a pleasure if you decide to keep training him, as you said, small countries need every possible player

P.S: If you also think something strange happened here and someone should do something; go to Global Forums and spread the word. For sure that would be more helpful than here

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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