My arena is currently 5500, so I might be adding more seats. I am selling out every game right now. I should of raised ticket prices this month and now I am regretting it.
I remember feeling that too, when I was charging $12 a seat. I upped mine from 12 to 13 a seat and LOST 20% of my bleacher attendance. Remember, an extra 150 seats at your current ticket price in 3 weeks will get you more money that increased ticket prices and it also preps you for any future growth for the next season.
I cannot remember where I heard this, but it seems Div 4 softcapped out around 6,500 in attendance. Div 3, obviously that number is higher, so why not prep for that since it is only 8 weeks away. You can move from 5500 to 6250 at a 150 seats a week pretty easily and if you work the staff hiring transfer list, you can pick up that level 5 trainer too. But if your players are winning easily right now, increasing your salaries through player pickups makes little financial sense at this point, IMO.