Let's see.
Much is said here, and I admid I read only a very small part of it, so what I say, might have been told, but the only thing I can give here and now, is my opinion.
It is good that BB releases the best players on the market once a team is not managed anymore, BUT!!! only a few players should see the market this way. I'd say with wages 6000 or up, and NT players.
Look at the TFmarket now and see... about 19 out of 20 players I see that caches my eye is from ownerless teams! hundreds of millions of dollars exit the game this way. And players put up by real teams have no chance of being sold, snice they are not good enough.
More important, since there are so many (where the xxxx do they come from, so so many!!) the bigger teams can't bid on them all. They simply can't.
Well this is good I hear you say, give everyone a chance!
Agree, BUT this makes those good players affordable for all, and that's good, but not at the expense of other players. A 'regular' guy with a salary of less than 3500/week is doomed to be fired now, since no one will buy them. This makes that all smaller teams are duped. They have little money, and the players they have, that might have fixed them a few hundred-k bucks, now are worthless as well!! They can maybe buy 1 or 2 of the good players, but not enough to make a winning team. They will have no chance of winning anymore and probably will quit.
The 2 or 3 good players they have , will be released on the market to make the effect worse...
The situation on the tranfermarket at the moment is realy rediculous...realy...
I think it hurts the game.
I had invested in about 30 players to train them in free trows and sell them for profit, only to notice a few weeks later that I will need to fire them all. But I don't complain, since I was able to buy me 10, yes 10!!! tremendously good players for my money. My case is, as me, probably many had created a longer term plan with their players, which now 9out of 10 will be doomed to fail because too many better players are on the market.
These players would normally not reach the market since if the teams didn't quit they would keep their best to play for them, so why should they hit the market if the team quits?
I know BB does this (maybe only in part) to quickly get much better players in the game, and every team quitting takes down some good players.
But remember this BB. The only players who can improve are those that are trained. There are only so many active teams, so there can only be so many players that train and improve, releasing 100x more on the market won't make those improve...
Therefor I say, release, but release less. This way the prices won't drop (they do now, and drastically since they is an overflow of good players), and lesser players will stil be worth at least something. The very best still stay in the game, and can improve further.
I now apologise for this very long post, but hey... I gave some info to discuss didn't I? ;)
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