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Farm teams

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From: CrazyEye

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220123.114 in reply to 220123.112
Date: 6/25/2012 7:32:46 AM
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1. monkey hear no evil see no evil? When a longtime Nippon team quit, he offered in the forums publicly his username and password to whoever wanted it. This was common practice in his day/some nations, when you wuit, give your team to someone who still played, like an old friend...for what? NT farming? Money transfer? one is allowed the other isn't.

all three things ain't allowed.

2. Not when they are training salary effecient now, the harder to make ones. Everyone wants these players!!!! Or let FA and farming go on till hte market is even flooded with expertly trained players. Then we know for sure that the casual user will enver train a player of any use or value. Is this really good for the game on teh whole? Sounds like a game where people quit and nobody new joins... Why would they? no point to even try.

many club team do it, why you need cheaters for it? But just cause a cheater own then for a while, you need to punish the nation, especially the ex owners etc.

3. Why is so bad about killing teh palyers of someone who quit the game? Seriously. FA means they quit or got caught cheating. Don7t you get it yet? It's like closing down every factory in town but one, except you leave on the market all the goods of the other factories for free..naturally the one factory left will go out of business.....

it is one protection against NT sabotage, but overall i am not a fan of FA too. But imho i think the BB removing it step by step, right now.

4. They can't sabotage unless the trainers sell their players. Which they only do if they are in DIV and can't pay the salary anymore....

so we should remove salary? Imho pushing player to the salry limit or higher is also recommend in the most newbie guides, with a transfer at the end to strengthen the other positions.
And trainer from NT/U21 player have an extra motivation to do so, even when they know that it is not economical wise i still see post following there process and beeing proud to form then after some season.

5. Now if they sell form legit account to legit account...what does this have to do with FAs????? NOTHING. Player is never an FA if they don't quit or get caught cheating. Like I said, player should not stay in the game then.

Sometimes cheater get caught after purchasing a player. And normally the selling team, shouldn't have an impact on the team who buys there player(such transfer are also then questionable).

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
220123.117 in reply to 220123.115
Date: 6/25/2012 8:41:46 AM
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If its okay to farm/sit on NT players (with your 'one' acccount) then why is it not okay to buy and kill GS other nation players? Its the same thing.

not close to the same think imho, one is creating a player over a RL year the other means pilling up money and just destroying the fun of others.

Also your suggestion would include cheating to kill him, with would be an incentive to cheat which we both didn't want right?

And NT player/prospect owned by cheater is much much higher, then the number of NT player prospect owned by teams who cheat to give them the right enviroment to do so. But it would still hurt a lot of people then, and bring in the pillory.

his only BENEFITS the public to make a greater chance of REAL teams to have an NT player/trainee...

it wouldn't change the amount on player on the NT, so the chanche is the same since it go to the open market and them to real teams.

Last edited by CrazyEye at 6/25/2012 8:45:22 AM

This Post:
220123.119 in reply to 220123.117
Date: 6/25/2012 9:17:54 AM
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Wolph, could you please stop "replying" to me, when your messages don't realted to anthing i wrote and I already expressed i see no point in arguing with you? You are here long enough to know how To: Everybody option works. Thank you.
