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België - I.1 > Season 49

Season 49

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From: Bull.7

This Post:
303640.114 in reply to 303640.113
Date: 6/3/2020 8:17:15 AM
Paros Bulls
Overall Posts Rated:
Still want to think that there is a better way. I will keep trying and if it does not work no problem
But in any case @marin has to rethink how to penalise more users who are tanking in order to make the game even greater

This Post:
303640.115 in reply to 303640.111
Date: 6/3/2020 10:27:51 AM
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Then welcome to the club 😎

In my view there is nothing wrong in deciding to completely rebuild your team and focus on training young players to one day have a competitive team again. I think it is also rewarding to shape players and see the team improve step by step. What I think the game should try to limit is managers who decide to go on hibernation mode and one day when they want to come back they find 25M in the bank and can build a +1 million team within few days. Now, how to do this is another, difficult, question.

This Post:
303640.119 in reply to 303640.118
Date: 6/3/2020 12:16:53 PM
Paros Bulls
Overall Posts Rated:
Always very interesting to read your constructive point of views.
I would however go for something in between US and Europe. The question is how? For example reward the Teams staying for X consecutive seasons in the BBBL league? + some other good ideas?

This Post:
303640.120 in reply to 303640.119
Date: 6/3/2020 1:45:06 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
Wow, the man is in our conference. Well, I can already say I'm not challenging AmenRa in the Finals next season for sure :p

From: Coach Q
This Post:
303640.121 in reply to 303640.118
Date: 6/4/2020 9:40:54 AM
Basket Mizu Arlon
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Hi there! Nice to be back! Quite a few familiar faces here, even more so with the promoted teams.

Red or Blue, each side had pros and cons but i didn't get to choose anyway!

I feel both conferences are very competitive and frankly speaking, as it stands i don't have the squad to aim at something other than avoiding relegation... but again, it's good to be here ^^

This Post:
303640.123 in reply to 303640.122
Date: 6/4/2020 12:08:00 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Church Of Ra
hello guys,

very happy with my three peat and my second double BBBL-Cup. thanks for the congrats bbmail.
and now ? i was thinking to at least give a try for B3 this season but when i see Venemous roster... unfortunately it seems just impossible. i wanted to sell Iatros and find a real SG with better JS and OD. but is it really worth trying ?
so, i will try a third double BBBL-Cup in a row before maybe start rebuilding (sorry about that Dartreb but it's a part of the game i love so much --> to train young prospect and this time it will be 2 belgi)
indeed the red side seems very competitive this year. i love what Sgolba is doing with only belgian players. he's very close to his first title (but please, wait for next season).

This Post:
303640.124 in reply to 303640.123
Date: 6/4/2020 1:19:45 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
sorry about that Dartreb but it's a part of the game i love so much --> to train young prospect and this time it will be 2 belgi

Oh I do a lot of training on my own, don't worry. I dislike tanking but have absolutely no grief against you or any other tanker, basically they succeed at something I'm very unable of doing myself (unless forced I suppose).

I have lost tracks of all tankers who have proven me wrong in the past (right now, Buston, AmenRa, ...) or will in the future (Q and even later on Joe himself) so I don't think the way I'm playing is the most consistent when it comes to producing trophies. Maybe someday I'll be fed up of winning nothing and will try out that.

Good luck for the B3, and while you're right and Venomous Scoprions are scary indeed, in the B3, there will always be a "big one" trying to reach out the star, you'll have to beat them ! Mloty or Dionysus at their peak weren't walkovers neither ! Make Belgium proud :)
