Hi Mike!
I´ve a complain about the transfer process.
At this moment, if i start pushing for a player on sale, when i post mine offer automatically the player who´s selling gets mine money in his account. This shouldn´t happen.
I think that my money -on the buying process- shoul be delayed for the selling manager until the dead line of the buying-selling process has ocurred.
I´ve noticed of many managers whom rises and push up prices of their players in the market in real time.
As an example, i offer 200.000 for X player, the manager inmediatly rises the offer up to 250.000, again i offer 260.000 but the selling manager once more rises the offer up to 320.000, and he´s raising the offer with mine own money!!! He´s not just pushing up with the few dollars positive he could have in his balance. Wich i disagree is a fair transaction.
I belive that after a manager puts a player on sale, he should be able to push up prices ONLY with the money he has in his balance when he first set the price of the player. After that it´s the "free market" who sets the "right price". Otherwise will be getting a ficticious increment of player prices totally based in unfair speculation... wich in part leads to have the actual variations on "similar players" transferences from 300.000 up to 900.000 dollars.
Edit: By the way, this kind of speculation works in favour of the older, higer, powerful teams whom gets far higher economical benefits than the ones in II or III divisions and can afford those prices.
Hope mine idea is clear or understandable. And i´ll be glad if the ones asigned to set the economical bases of the game take note of this aspect of the game and correct it.
Last edited by Pablo1971 at 6/2/2008 7:36:33 PM