We were over this once before. You have drafted something great earlier aswell.
Yes I have said multiple times that I have drafted some great players, but great to sell but not great to for me to train.
It's like drafting D.Rose and selling/trading him for S.Nash, because you want a veteran backcourt, while training Noah and Boozer.
Your argument makes no sense at all. A better analogy is that you already have D. Rose and Wall on your team and then when you draft Dwight Howard you should just get rid of Rose and Wall just because the draft randomly gave you a big man.You should abandon the seasons of training you have already put in to your guards, sell them, so that you can now train the big man you drafted. And oh yeah, now that you will have to be training big men you will have to sell your old big men as that will become your training position. And then you will also have to buy two more big man trainees.
So you are suggesting that just because you draft a big man you should abandon your current trainees who you put seasons into. Sell them. Buy new guards. Also sell your big men. Then buy new big men that can be trained. This is what you are telling me I should have done? Seriously? Not kidding right? This is what you would do? And you ask me
Why is this so hard for you?
I already had two guards I was very happy training and just thought that it should be possible at some stage to draft a third. Silly me.
So perhaps if we can now get away from the ad hominem agruments you can give me one reason why it is good for the game for 90% of the players drafted by good teams to be fired within a few days while as I have shown NBA teams keep a lot of theirs.
Last edited by yodabig at 1/1/2012 10:16:43 PM