well i dont want to argue about those things anymore but you seem to misunderstand my arguments. i never said higher potential means faster training.
You said that he improved "pretty well" as an MVP which I interpreted to mean faster. Sorry if this was a misinterpretation.
All i am saying someone might choose an mvp potential to train him a few season than sell him. This might not be the best thing to do with the money but not a total waste either.
No, training him would not be a total waste but his potential is not a reason to increase his sell price for the reasons I listed before. He should sell for the same price as someone with starter potential with the same skills. You are implying that his MVP potential means he is worth more.
again, you are talking about the case of competitiveness. all the advices i gave was about clearing debt. He will not be able to compete in any circumstances ujnless he give up at least this season.
This seems cut and dried to me. If he needs money he should sell the guys who will bring in the most money. Not fire some guys, sell off the rest and keep a handful of players on his team (which is what you implied when you said fire 3 guys and sell 5-6 others).
Why not sell some players, get back into the black and still stay as competitive as possible?
Run of the Mill Canadian Manager