to me:
- 29 reported
- 5 balls: 5, none with second report
- 4 balls: 6, 1 with second report
- 3 balls: 9, 2 with second report
- 2 balls: 8,
7 (seven!) with second report- 1 ball: 1 (luckily...)
I posted a proposal in BB-Italy forum, suggesting to introduce a weight for a second look based on the results of first. I don't think anybody but a noob will put a 1 ball on top of a list, even with A+/5 balls out of second report. If you want details, I can translate it: an ease (?) improvement that will keep principles (when you draft, you bet in some sense) but reduce them and increase managerial control.
Let me add that I drafted 3 times with good/very good results, so I cannot say I am unsatisfied. But a managerial game should have some random and something realistic: that's unrealistic (or some NBA team will sink soon