What % of the world uses IE vs. all other browsers combined?
What % of the websites on the internet today are developed specifically to be compatible with IE? How many browsers out there come even close to the widespread usage of IE?
If you are a software/hardware guy then you mess around with a lot of different programs and browsers.
Me and most other people load what is on the startup disk and stick with it.
Sure it might be better to go freeware or some other nonsense. Do I want to spend afternoon after afternoon trying to figure out some random browser program or do I want to just load windows, keep myself updated and save myself a hassle.
You are cracked in the head if you want to blame microsoft, not the page designer when their website won't work with IE. Being compatible with IE is a standard for the WWW. Any sight that doesn't meet that standard is either specifically run by anti-microsoft loonies, amateurs or a bit of both.
If I want to GoDaddy or some other website and hired someone to build a webpage, the LAST thing I would want them to say is 'oh by the way IE sucks so my pages aren't compatible'.... I'd rather him tell me he did a lot of coke to stay up with his work, atleast there is a smidgeon of logic in that.