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Suggestions > New Realistic Skill to add

New Realistic Skill to add

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118469.12 in reply to 118469.11
Date: 11/25/2009 1:33:59 PM
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Speed and size/height (as skills or factors in the game) in incorporated into other skills like driving, outside defense (for speed) and rebounding and shot blocking (for size/height).

I think its a little misleading, because in RL, speed and height are in large part fixed whereas in BB these skills can be trained and increased without limit (except by age and potential and modified by height).

This Post:
118469.13 in reply to 118469.10
Date: 11/26/2009 12:26:31 PM
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If every skill was "clear", each player would have 50+ skills, and it would be a giant mess.

Does this mean that the other 36+ skills are hidden, for the sake of avoiding confusion and difficulties? and are simplified?

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118469.14 in reply to 118469.13
Date: 11/26/2009 12:27:42 PM
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118469.15 in reply to 118469.14
Date: 11/26/2009 12:39:17 PM
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(/me glowing luminously)

oooooh... new knowledge. Took me this long to find out.. maybe others knew this already :)

This Post:
118469.16 in reply to 118469.13
Date: 11/26/2009 3:04:23 PM
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If every skill was "clear", each player would have 50+ skills, and it would be a giant mess.

Does this mean that the other 36+ skills are hidden, for the sake of avoiding confusion and difficulties? and are simplified?

No, what I'm saying is that each skill that we do have is a package of more simplified skills - speed, footwork, leaping ability, etc.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live