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Lubnan - I.1 > A Lebanese "CalcioPoli" ?

A Lebanese "CalcioPoli" ?

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From: Bekaaist

This Post:
183001.12 in reply to 183001.11
Date: 4/28/2011 7:18:07 PM
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aywa aywa! are u using the fear factor on us?

BTW! I think it's not fair that we don't get the benefits of a full house during cup games! I mean if a full house in a league game gets u 250K it's not fair that during cup games it gets you only 60k maximum!

I do understand scrimmages though, but i mean Cup game is an official competition and income should be treated the same way!

This Post:
183001.13 in reply to 183001.9
Date: 5/2/2011 12:19:17 PM
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I think that u r a good coach, cz u r dominating the Lebanese Cup and the Lebanese League, so for me that's enough !!!
And I will close the argument, about the 10M..... that's good for u ;-)