Guards are as important (if not more) than inside players on an inside offence.
That is very VERY debatable. I personally disagree, but, its up for discussion.
But thats not quite what im saying. Guards MIGHT in fact be more important. But thats not my point.
If you play inside offence, guards are important yes, but if you have awesome guards, then you arent
maximising their strengths by playing an inside offence. It would be like having Michael Jordan on your Under15s basketball side, and telling him to pass to the tall lanky guy who hasnt decided if he is right or left handed yet. Yer sure he might get off some awesome passes, too bad the tall lanky guy drops them all, or bricks every one of his shots.
No, if you had MJ, you would telling MJ to shoot the ball, every chance he got. Playing an inside offence, the game engine would allow MJ to shoot some inside shots, but not as many as an outside guard-orientated offence, which I believe is quoted in the game manual. The game engine will try to take advantage of an-MJ player skills no matter what offence you play, but a lot more effectively on selected offensive strategies.
This is why I believe that the SF is the most important player. Because regardless of the offence you play, the game engine will maximise his abilities in the most appropriate manner, more so than any other position. So you basically get more out of him, regardless of the offensive strategy you play.
IMO :)