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NBA lockout, what is all about?

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From: malice

To: Karl
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188475.12 in reply to 188475.8
Date: 7/2/2011 10:34:53 PM
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At the moment players get 57% in salaries of all the profit NBA clubs make. The clubs want to reduce the percentage to 50%, but the players refuse to reduce their salaries so much, 54% was the lowest the players were willing to agree on. Also, players want, that the clubs share the TV money more evenly. At the moment only 8 clubs out of 30 earn profit. This is something I have understood.

This is not quite true, at least, I don't think so.
The current offer on the table is for the players to get slightly under 40% of BRI (Basketball Related Income).
They'd actually still be making 2 billion after everything's figured out. For the last season, it was 2.2 billion.
One of the main sticking points is the number of years. The NBA wants the new CBA in place for a 10 year span, the players are seeking 5. And the fact that the NBA will get a new TV deal post the (I think) 2015/6 season, which is expected to be a huge increase on what they're currently getting paid for TV rights. The players want a piece of that pie.

Gotta say, I kinda side with ownership. On two points:
1. At the moment the players get all the rewards, with none of the risks or costs. Seems only right that given that model they should have a smaller piece of the pie.
2. The current CBA makes it very, very difficult for smaller franchises to compete. One that makes the playing field a little more equitable would be good (and this is coming from a Lakers fan!).

There's a huge difference between NFL teams and NBA teams. The vast majority of NBA teams lose money. Some due to bad business decisions, but the end-point is that the current CBA just makes it pretty difficult for most teams. All NFL teams make money, they just want to make a helluva lot more!

@Steve - I've read somewhere (ESPN?) that the numbers on where-people-watch-the-NBA is moving away from tickets, and more towards TV. TV numbers are increasing? Anyway, it's expected that the main source of revenue for teams will soon be TV deals, outstripping ticket-sales.
Tried to look for the piece, and failed. Sorry!

Last edited by malice at 7/2/2011 10:41:46 PM - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
188475.13 in reply to 188475.12
Date: 7/3/2011 2:45:40 PM
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I think at part of the problem is that the players don't trust the owners. So the owners say all these teams are losing money, but are they really?

Take the Los Angeles Dodgers (baseball) for example. Its come out in the McCourt divorce case that their are three entities that own the various parts of the Dodgers organization and infrastructure. The entity that actually owns the team is losing money. However, the entities that own the stadium and the the land/parking are making lots of money. The team pays a huge rent for the stadium and essentially provides the entertainment that make the parking lots valuable. All these entities are owned by the same person - who I'm sure would say that the team is losing money.

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188475.14 in reply to 188475.13
Date: 7/12/2011 12:27:30 AM
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I think it's an accepted fact that the NBA is losing money, the point in contention is "how much"... - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
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188475.15 in reply to 188475.14
Date: 7/13/2011 1:51:00 PM
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On a somewhat related note, did everyone see KFC's invitation to Dwayne Wade?

Dear Dwyane Wade,

We couldn’t help but notice your recent tweet about looking for a new line of work in light of the lockout. We’re always looking for folks with precisely your qualifications — initiative, teamwork and the ability to make buckets in a hurry.

We’ve always been proud to call you a former KFC employee and, it goes without saying we’d love to have you back on our team dishing out the World’s Best Chicken, like you dish out assists on the court.

Our offer: Come serve as an honorary captain at a local KFC drive-thru window. And, while we can’t match your most recent salary, we’ll honor your KFC service by making a donation in your name to Colonel’s Scholars, a charity providing young people with much needed college scholarships, if you accept. How’s that for a slam dunk?

So let us know if you’re ready to suit up for our squad (as you’ll remember, we’ve got some pretty cool uniforms). Our original coach, the legendary Colonel Sanders, knew a thing or two about buckets. And who knows, if you make a KFC-team comeback, we might just share some of his secrets with you.

We’ll keep your headset waiting.


John Cywinski
General Manager, KFC U.S.


Last edited by IronDoofus at 7/13/2011 1:52:18 PM

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188475.16 in reply to 188475.15
Date: 7/15/2011 9:11:02 AM
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Didn't Mark Cuban work at a DQ after making some negative remarks about the chain?

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188475.17 in reply to 188475.16
Date: 7/15/2011 10:46:37 AM
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188475.19 in reply to 188475.18
Date: 7/29/2011 1:28:44 AM
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I was shocked the NFL managed to revolve their lockout...maybe there is hope for the NBA.