Today, another guard was added to the U21 roster. This move was mainly made to help cover for the recent injury to Joe-Max Phillips. With that said, the team is adding a very good player. Here he is:
Anton Rickard (16416588)Drafted by Sock Pants as an 18 year old, Anton Rickard was always believed to have a very bright future. Stories say that in high school, he used to dribble 4 tennis balls in the hallway whenever he walked between classes. As a child, his biggest dream was to one day touch the ceiling of his house. He did it at age 5, by building a pillow tower on the couch, and leaping like few 5 year olds could leap. Before he was born, on the ultrasound, the doctors were very surprised, as he looked like a basketball. Yes, these are just some of the stories of Anton Rickard. Now that he has been added to the U21 team, what stories will Anton Rickard create? Time will tell, my friends. Time will tell.