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bellow 48 minutes

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19887.12 in reply to 19887.11
Date: 3/23/2008 6:48:49 PM
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Anotherl noob question...

If he plays the 45 min in the position that he is going to train, and play the remaining 3 min in ANOTHER position, does he still get the training???

From: CitB

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19887.14 in reply to 19887.12
Date: 3/24/2008 12:32:23 AM
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Anotherl noob question...

If he plays the 45 min in the position that he is going to train, and play the remaining 3 min in ANOTHER position, does he still get the training???

depends , you could train guards pg/sg he can play 45 on pg and 3 on sg he gets full train i think. but 45 on sg position 3 on center does not work (only you do teamtraining)

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19887.15 in reply to 19887.11
Date: 3/24/2008 1:48:58 AM
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So anything above 45 minutes is more or less equal?? Or must I have all my trainees receive 48 minutes to be sure they get full trainiing??

45 minutes probably gives a bit more than 90 % of full training (45/48 = 0.9375). You need 48 minutes to receive full training.

If your player has already played 45 minutes in a training position, you should, in general, either put him as a back-up or reserve for a training position with a good starter (trying to give him 3-15 minutes (obviously about 3 min. suffices as that gives 48 in total)) - or play him on a non-training position thus distributing the available 48 minutes among other guys. The decision is up to you.

This isn't great advice.

45 minutes gives much less training than 48 minutes.

This is hardly a great answer.

45 minutes obviously gives much less training than 48 minutes. I guessed it's about 90 % or a bit more. If you know a more precise number, or ballpark, I'm sure the original poster will appreciate it. Is it about 80 % or about 70 % then? Perhaps just 60 %?

What somewhat bugs me is you saying my advice isn't great without giving an alternative. I know my advice isn't precise for any particular case, since it covers many cases. For example, if your most important trainee is at 45 minutes and you have no talent behind him, by all means play him enough to reach 48 minutes. If it's a second tier trainee at 45 minutes and you have another important trainee at, let's say, 20 minutes - give more training time for the second guy! 48+ minutes and 20 minutes is certainly worse than 45 minutes and 48+ minutes.

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19887.16 in reply to 19887.15
Date: 3/24/2008 1:58:51 AM
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isnt this all off topic?
I think the OP wanted to know how he can shout or bellow at his coach if he fails to give them the desired 48mins in a training postion each week...

anyhow I would also like JuicePats to give his opinion on exactly how much less training someone getting 45mins loses out on as opposed to 48mins...

I can say I have a 24yo utility player that this season has had 15-20mins here there 7mins & 11mins in training slots and his wage only went from $7,563 - $7632... so on the really low numbers i would lean towards saying that the training is miniscule... (even though 24yo is not an optimal age to train.)

it would be harsh to find out that 45mins only gave 80-85% or worse.... and why such a steep drop? 90% sounds fair but hey you dont always get whats fair in life or BB!

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19887.17 in reply to 19887.16
Date: 3/24/2008 9:55:42 AM
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My opinion? My honest, no real true idea opinion?

I bet training decreases by 1/3 once you go below 48 minutes, even if it's 47, and then once you hit other certain minute thresholds goes even lower.

Please don't take this as truth - I really do not know.

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19887.18 in reply to 19887.17
Date: 3/24/2008 10:05:00 AM
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that would be a huge loss, but could be true coz i had a few 44-47mins in the past and they popped not that much... really annoying on thursday games if you lead by 20 and starting 5 is sitting on the bench the whole last quarter...

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19887.19 in reply to 19887.17
Date: 3/25/2008 6:31:20 AM
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I knew this answer even before I read it.

It is impossible for anyone to answer this at this time (except the BB who programmed it and won't tell us).

I am keeping track of training in a way of minutes, and full trainings for several weeks now and still can't subtract any decent, solid info from it. I estimate it will take at least 2 more seasons before I can put something together that might come close to the right answer on this question. So for now it is guessing.

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