well you're in the top league. by that time, 3-2 zone is no longer a good choice against most teams when they play look inside. (too much passing / driving / offensive flow)
ok, my last game vs. 2-3 zone. From the B3:
(45599350)I would have easily lost vs. man to man? his salary was much higher than mine. (i was like a d2 team vs. a d1 team)
i had an $80k center, and $60k PF. he had $200k center, and over $300k PF!!!also, his PG was almost $148k, mine only makes $36k
He had
2 full levels higher offensive flow, but i had 10 more assists! (and less turnovers). He also had 2 full levels higher inside scoring & inside defense. Yet i shot a higher %. He even had higher rebounding. All i had was higher outside defense. but i won because of the 2-3 zone.
edit: it was a neutral court game, so no home court advantage
Last edited by shikago at 5/2/2012 12:09:31 PM