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Hiring a Trainer

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218640.12 in reply to 218640.10
Date: 5/27/2012 1:36:37 AM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
I got a 14k advanced trainer for 21k. I call that cheap.........but that was late season, and I'm still fairly new, this is about to be my 4th month on this site............

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: Kukoc
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218640.15 in reply to 218640.14
Date: 5/27/2012 1:34:27 PM
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My last trainer change was 28k for 27890 salary lvl5 trainer. Transfer occured S19 week6.
Edit: and he has stamina speciality!

Last edited by Kukoc at 5/27/2012 1:35:04 PM

From: Coach_D

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218640.16 in reply to 218640.15
Date: 5/27/2012 2:00:11 PM
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LVL 6 trainer for 5k with 47k salary
No specialty

From: chancey
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218640.20 in reply to 218640.11
Date: 5/30/2012 2:52:51 PM
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Wait till the last min then place a bid about 5000- 10000 depending on how bad you want him.

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218640.21 in reply to 218640.20
Date: 5/30/2012 3:18:39 PM
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I think the bigger issue is why a Div V team is looking for anything but a level 4 trainer. Level 3 and below train too slowly (or so I've read numerous times) and higher level trainers aren't worth the extra cost for either purchase or salary for a Div V team. Spend 10-50K, get a Level 4 trainer who has a salary of between 11k and 13k and keep him for 2 seasons. Your 18 year and 19 year olds can get 18-22 pops over that time with single position training.

I wish there were pigmen. You get a few of these pigmen walking around I'm looking a whole lot better. Then if somebody wants to fix me up at least they could say, Hey he's no pig-man!
This Post:
218640.22 in reply to 218640.21
Date: 5/30/2012 11:56:30 PM
Mountain Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
Yup, gotta advanced trainer for my Center. Hopefully he'll get him 18+ more pops. But if you're a D5er--D5ers always have at least 1 good prospect. Mine is just Centers with allstar/p.allstar potential, the p allstar being my original and the allstar being my only good draftee......plan to make the draftee C a PF, and if he's good for my teeam, I'll keep him, if not, send him off for serious $$$. But a level 4 trainer is the best way to go-not too high, not too low, and as said, go for a below 14k guy. level 3,2,1 are just too slow and won't give you the time you need. level 5+ will give you a hassle with $$$, so level 4 is the best way to go in a trainee situation. By the way, D5 is the best division to set up a ''farm''--cause the higher division you go, harder it'll be to train the trainees/compete at the same time........

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!