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België - I.1 > Season 57

Season 57

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From: Eagle
This Post:
314129.12 in reply to 314129.11
Date: 4/23/2022 4:26:37 PM
RSC Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
After checking the results of the first games of the season, there is one thing that stands out to me.
Of all 16 teams, there were only 2 teams that chose for an "inside" tactic.
And those 2 teams both lost their game.

In my opinion this is a big game changer for Buzzerbeater in general, because in the past choosing an "inside" tactic was practically the standard norm in the game, because at that time it was known that you had an advantage with that tactic. Big props for the Buzzerbeater developers for this, for working on this during the past seasons, and balancing out all tactics, so that there is no more advantage to choosing a particular tactic.


Last edited by Eagle at 4/23/2022 8:16:29 PM

This Post:
314129.13 in reply to 314129.6
Date: 4/24/2022 6:34:04 AM
Union Liège
Overall Posts Rated:

5. Union Liège - 814k

Liège is currently the second most expensive roster of the conference but last season MB13 has tried to train 3 young players what costed him a lot of wins... But that didn't prevent him to stay in BBBL! I expect the same kind of season for him, for the same result at the end.

Thanks Joe. Indeed I will keep training those 3 young guys and it will definitely cost me wins this season as well. The goal is to stay in BBBL.

Do you know if there is a forum to discuss the following issue?

Last week, I played the 3rd game of play-down on Tuesday. So only half ticket revenue but still pay the full salary.
This week, I played away on Saturday. So no ticket revenue and full salary.

So, in two weeks that's only half ticket revenue (277k) vs 2 full salary (1564k).

I know there is merchandising and TV to partially offset this gap. But why do we pay full salary on play-down as we only play on Tuesday?

This Post:
314129.16 in reply to 314129.15
Date: 4/25/2022 11:09:28 AM
RSC Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
It's not an issue ;)

It's human nature

This Post:
314129.17 in reply to 314129.15
Date: 4/25/2022 1:16:13 PM
Union Liège
Overall Posts Rated:
There's nothing new there, it has always been like that, that's why it's better to win in 2 games. The teams that lose their first PO games are in the same situation: full salary for only one game. It's not an issue ;)

I agree, it is the rule for a long time. The last time I faced this rule is in season 40 (2017) and the last time i played a 3rd game without the home game in the next season is in season 18 (2012).

For the teams that lose their 1st PO game, they can recovered with the next week in which they don't pay any player.

In my case, I was in positive before the PO. But now, I might have all my players on sale in 2 weeks at 0 because of this rule. My net revenue is positive but not enough to compensate this gap and the interest created by this gap.

From: Dartreb

To: MB13
This Post:
314129.18 in reply to 314129.17
Date: 4/25/2022 1:46:53 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
I read you mate, economy has finally catched up with me as well :/

From: Eagle

To: MB13
This Post:
314129.19 in reply to 314129.17
Date: 4/25/2022 5:41:13 PM
RSC Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Keeping a positive cash flow has certainly gotten more difficult during the years...
And if you have some bad luck with the economy and the timing of certain games, you could end up in a difficult financial situation unfortunately

This Post:
314129.21 in reply to 314129.20
Date: 4/27/2022 10:03:21 AM
RSC Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Don't fall into despair Joe, there's always sunshine after the rain

And knowing your skills as a manager, i know you will recover from this and find your way to the top once again

This Post:
314129.22 in reply to 314129.20
Date: 4/27/2022 1:01:30 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
Winning BBBM is a sure way to go into B³, but so is a win in the league or the tournament. I don't see a team able to compete with you so far, so you can be sure to play the B³ next season.

Starting with a loss is disappointing for sure, but you know how hard the first week can be and you still can recover.
