I think your PR man has more influence on the higher priced seats.
the 2 lower priced are mainly influenced by win/loss and especially the previous game is very important for that!
Even if you charge a low price many fans will not come and look if you lost your last game, if you have high prices, it will be even worse.
There isn't much the PR man can do about that. Bleachers are the most sensitive to win/loss.
As far as I think PR manager is influencing things here they are:
2 higher priced seats attendance: small influence.
ticket pricings (especially for the 2 higher priced seats): very small influence
merchandising: very small influence.
season ticket holders: decent influence.
And that's about it.
as for attendance :
bleachers: hugely influenced by win/loss last game, small influence by price.
2nd lowest: big influence by win/loss last game, small influence by price
2nd highest priced: some influence by win/loss last game, big influence by pricings.
boxes: small influnce by win/loss last game, huge influence by price.
Also standings of both teams, yuor and your opponent influence the attendance, the higher you are in the division, the more spectators, all seats are influenced, but probably the higher priced are the most influenced by this.
Now this is MY view, don't take it for truth.
They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.