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64691.12 in reply to 64691.11
Date: 12/23/2008 2:43:14 AM
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pretty easy, don't play ct that much ;)

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64691.13 in reply to 64691.12
Date: 12/23/2008 11:46:30 AM
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I've used CT only once early this season.
Maybe I need to TIE more, but I would hate for someone to pull an upset.

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64691.14 in reply to 64691.13
Date: 12/23/2008 3:34:30 PM
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I've used CT only once early this season.
Maybe I need to TIE more, but I would hate for someone to pull an upset.

Just be careful doing it in away games.

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64691.15 in reply to 64691.1
Date: 12/23/2008 7:38:48 PM
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Are you sure they are CT?

When you look at thier matches it may say someone put more into it, but that is what it would say if one team played Take it Easy as well.

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64691.16 in reply to 64691.15
Date: 12/24/2008 10:08:01 AM
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I understand that, but they are playing CT and now they are starting to loose from much worser oponents... :))) so it's great... :)))

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64691.17 in reply to 64691.16
Date: 12/24/2008 10:06:23 PM
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So they told you it was CT? Because you cannot tell just by looking. If so, thats another mistake by them :)

From: acarl

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64691.18 in reply to 64691.13
Date: 12/27/2008 2:52:11 AM
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your enthusiasm won't jump up to a high number from playing TIE just once. It takes a few times of playing TIE to get it up there. During my cup run, I had it around 11 going into game times, and now that I'm out, I've still got it going on around 9 for game time. Then again, I TIE most every game that I've been playing since my team is a pretty strong team compared to the others in my league (mostly made of teams where people signed up for a team and then quit right away)