I love these threats through out this thread of "No More Supporter For Me".
It is as if by paying your $3.50 per month or whatever it is, you are entitled to a glitch free on time service. Supporter does not guarantee a perfect site. It gives you a few wonderful options that enhances the experience this site provides. So many of you people make it seem like the yearly fee for supporter on this site is astronomical. I lose more coin in the laundry on a yearly basis. Nobody ever scoffs at paying $5.00 for a coffee at Starbucks and that last about 15 minutes. I can only imagine how complicated the code is for this game and every time something is added I am sure it just complicates it more. Seriously, how does late training really complicate your life? Get over yourselves. I am absolutely convinced they are doing the best they can. There are tons of sim games on the net, if this sucks so bad, go play something else. Otherwise, pull the big girl panties up and deal with some delays. It really doesn't have to cost you anything to compete. Your supporter package is just added pluses.