So the BBs just created a skill called shotblocking and made it so crappy and expensive that there is no point in training it?
Yes,but it wasn't their will
They wanted people fool enough to try train it and miserably fail?
No,it wasn't their will,but the problem is that the effect of SB is not visible at the moment,and probably it's not visible because is too weak in general,and especially is too weak for the expenses that generate
Sb isn't more expensive than the other big man skills,the problem is that while everyone can appreciate the effect of higher IS,ID and REB on their big mans,the advantages of an higher Sb are minimal,and become negative when you sum this with the fact that SB is as expensive as IS,ID and Reb and you as manager have to optimize your economy
If someone can demonstrate with some evidences that SB is worth to be trained,I would easily accept it but these evidences actually doesn't exist,while only the negative aspects as the increased salary are clear