lol.. thanks alot. i was stoning in the bus on the way to work and i tot, y not i try writing a like article for the POs irregardless i made it into the POs or not cuz i really enjoyed their articles so much. so then i decided to have a trial one for a normal league game lol. my writing not v gd one, i followed's style and key phrases. lol
btw flyer i got ur team's stat from your team page and, mine as well.(go check out tt webby, pretty awesome esp for a stats crazy guy like me) As for the age i did maths, use calculator and find average. Then i looked at ur games a little to notice some pattern from ur regular players so tts how i saw ur SG was kinda passing up. i did it using my iphone so i couldnt see any games to "prove" ur SG was passing more than shooting, just a gut feeling from stats. and ya i typed it in my iphone at work, slacking more than i shld. lol
and sure! i would love to do some pre-game analysis on PO finals and mayb a tourney game or 2. i shld have some free time next week!