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België - I.1 > Season 49

Season 49

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303640.124 in reply to 303640.123
Date: 6/4/2020 1:19:45 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
sorry about that Dartreb but it's a part of the game i love so much --> to train young prospect and this time it will be 2 belgi

Oh I do a lot of training on my own, don't worry. I dislike tanking but have absolutely no grief against you or any other tanker, basically they succeed at something I'm very unable of doing myself (unless forced I suppose).

I have lost tracks of all tankers who have proven me wrong in the past (right now, Buston, AmenRa, ...) or will in the future (Q and even later on Joe himself) so I don't think the way I'm playing is the most consistent when it comes to producing trophies. Maybe someday I'll be fed up of winning nothing and will try out that.

Good luck for the B3, and while you're right and Venomous Scoprions are scary indeed, in the B3, there will always be a "big one" trying to reach out the star, you'll have to beat them ! Mloty or Dionysus at their peak weren't walkovers neither ! Make Belgium proud :)

This Post:
303640.127 in reply to 303640.126
Date: 6/6/2020 8:08:57 AM
Paros Bulls
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Thanks a lot for taking the time to comment! I really enjoy reading it

This Post:
303640.128 in reply to 303640.127
Date: 6/6/2020 9:45:14 AM
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Thanks for the analysis Joe! I will try to prove you wrong and win the title (or take a picture of it)

From: takis4
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303640.130 in reply to 303640.129
Date: 6/6/2020 3:16:38 PM
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and aready the first injury of the season in the league and not a small one!

This Post:
303640.132 in reply to 303640.131
Date: 6/6/2020 6:49:56 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
Ouch that's a hard one to start off with :/

From: C3C

This Post:
303640.134 in reply to 303640.126
Date: 6/7/2020 3:52:13 AM
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Great analysis Joe!

The upcoming couple of seasons I will be aiming to win something, but like you said I'll probably have to wait till AmenRa's reign is over, so I don't expect a trophy yet this season.
Above that I really hope to continue my 100% Belgian legacy, but it's starting to become really hard to find the right players. I missed out on a couple of great Belgium players the past season. They are not only extremely rare, but also seem to be selling for 150% of their value all the time. So a lot will depend on if I will be able to find the right player in the right time...

Good luck to all of you!
