I think the new game engine shouldn't have gone out yet as well but I don't agree with the talk about it killing Look Inside.
In the old engine the zone was actually a man - man with a slight boost to inside or outside depending on tactic. That allowed you to mismatch your guards with IS cos most guards don't have ID. You could also do that with the big men though. A center could have JS and JR and because most centers didn't have OD they could shoot alot from outside.
Now it is working closer to a real zone. I.e. under the basket the big men guard the key. Beyond the arc the little guys do. My issue with zone is more how much a C will defend outside shots even in a 2 - 3. In 2 - 3 I don't know what kind of help would cause that? I also think the 1 - 3 - 1 has players in the wrong position but that might have been fixed.
The change in tactic for zone is how your team looks. If you have a 3 - 2 and your SF has low PD or lower than the PG and SG notice that the opposition will just keep jacking it up from one side (The SF side). This is realistic. You need a very even team to play zones now. I think due to how people train the zones are going to become a bottom league thing where most players are even and Man - Man will be more evident as you can align matchups which is what we where doing in the old zone with a bonus.
If you ask me (which you don't) this actually matches the real world more. NBA is a man - man league (I know, no real examples). In Australia (We aren't that crash hot) we love our zones. So the better a team gets the more they move away from a zone. Its good. When we have man - man with defensive matchups I will be in heaven.
That doesn't take away from the fact that the new game engine has too many rebounds. There aren't any changes of possessions from ball hitting backboard or flying out of court etc..
Also real world you slow down the pace to reduce the margin between you and the oppositions score. If they shoot better. Make them shoot less

I don't see a problem with this.
I like the idea just wish it was tinkered with before it was released. Don't look at my games. That outcome was expected and not weird.