I would love to see the averages as presented in the training speed table, but separated for all combinations of age/height/coach level, in one big table. Like the raw data you give in the age table. If you ever have the time.
I'm having trouble visualizing this. You mean, instead of filtering (which I need to add trainer level to), show the data for every combination of: training type, skill, trainer level, height, age? I don't think there's going to be a good way to display that, especially since height is going to have a LOT of entries, many of which have a small amount of data.
If you just want the numbers, i think you can already get those by using the "Single pop data" link on the analysis page, which will show you every instance in which a certain training has been run, along with level, age, height, minutes and whether or not the specified skill popped. It's not averaged, but maybe you're just looking for the data?
Also, you might want to consider running new regressions for the skill weights and othe coefficients in the salary formula with the data you get in the week after the salary change. I'm afraid our current coefficients need an update (they were derived in the time before computers were invented).
Good call, i'll do this. Any reason to suspect the coefs themselves have changed and not just the scaling factors?