You claim these “Possible pros:”
(1) small nation managers might welcome the influx of new teams, boosting competition levels
(2) might help reduce cheating
(3) doubles the fun for active managers
(4) increases BB income, increasing the advertisement and development budget
Let’s examine those points:
(1) Maybe in a few cases this will be true. But many managers choosing and paying for second teams in a country where there are mostly bots and a sorry, limited player pool? Well, that would be completely pointless. And if it does happen in a few small countries that get a significant proportion of foreign managers, they will also LOSE local managers who don’t want to play in a mixed league. Paying managers shouldering aside free-play managers contradicts your current principles. And new local managers trying to learn the game will have no competitive chance against experienced managers from competitive larger nations. Mixed-country rosters already almost destroy the geographical integrity of the game; this proposal would finish it off, making most leagues nothing but a mixed international league. Guys, this is an argument you CANNOT win.
(2) Respectfully, it would not only double the opportunity to cheat, but more likely increase the opportunity exponentially. I have played the game less than one full season and already see cheating. I even reported some, and nothing happened. Much more cheating is discussed in the boards that I don’t even understand. Although it might be undiplomatic for me to say it so directly, if you cleaned up the cheating you would probably gain more revenue than second teams would ever generate.
At least a few NT’s and drafts will be compromised if you get any significant number of duplicate teams.
BB tries to discourage farming. A proposal that increases farming makes no sense at all.
(3) Not so; it doesn’t even double the number of active teams, since a lot of supporters would not take a second team. Managers either take the game seriously or they don’t. Serious managers get fun from competition, which a second team doesn’t help. Managers that aren’t serious aren’t a likely source of revenue for you. “Double the fun for active managers” is just blowing smoke.
(4) I sympathize with your search for more revenue. This is a mature, generally bug free game that simulates basketball very well. That is a quality product. The way to get more revenue is to improve the remaining game engine needs, really crack down on cheating, and improve the organization of the (currently mixed up) boards. A proposal that compromises the quality of the product is no answer.
I am a supporter and expect to continue as one. I vote a strong NO for many, many reasons.