Well thats going off-topic but it's really easy to train in the SF-PF positions like 50% of managers does in first spanish division, even if they are low height(players) and with 27-28 they still can train. Like this team
(76608) and he had a really good results, so you seem don't know a lot what impact can have if BB's make some changes on 2-3.
buying expensive SF with high IS, just buy 3 SGs with high JS and JR and play RnG?
That's what some B3 teams did, they bought or trained 3 PG's with high OD, passing and nice driving-IS to score from inside, plus they had 2 big inside mans, but the diference is that they started playing LI(with 3 outside players in PG-SG-SF position). Most of the teams are changing to this, because if they face an outside team they can play 3-2 and they know they are so hard to counter on the inside(there isn't any zone that can stop them).
(25843) Another team that trains mass OD, one of his players has OD 18 and passing 11(and he is only 21 years ¡¡¡) and the salary of this kind of players it's really low. If you continue training this kind of players in SF-PF position(well on the SF) then you can have a so good defender and passing player, but he also will be a nice scorer when he drives to the inside.
You can't counter this teams, because if you play 2-3 you can't stop the drivings of the outside players, which is unreal for sure, and i'll repeat NT's have great SF and even if we tried a 2-3 you just can't stop the drivings of the outside players, that should be changed if 3 big guys are defending close it's unreal an outside player can get in that easy unless it's Rose.
So yes fix the 2-3 it's unreal when outside players drive under the basket like the hell... It seems you play against 3 Roses on the court ¡
Last edited by Marot at 5/16/2011 8:47:01 PM